
Japan’s award-winning travel goods make any trip a breeze | The Japan Times

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Japan’s award-winning travel goods make any trip a breeze | The Japan Times

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Since 2015, the Omotenashi Selection project has highlighted a broad range of regional products and services with the aim of internationally promoting Japanese innovations in design and hospitality. As the initiative prepares to judge the first round of 2023 applicants for the now-biannual event, On: Design looks back on its most recent winners and, in the spirit of the award’s global aspirations and Japan’s reopened borders, picks three items great for travel.

The Maimo Color You series of suitcases was originally conceived by the product planning and distribution business Kurukuru Inc. during the first years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Japan’s award-winning travel goods make any trip a breeze | The Japan Times

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