A helicopter flying with a huge saw blade hanging out the side is operating over York County.
Metropolitan Edison is using a helicopter and it's ginormous saw to trim trees along four power lines in York and Adams counties. 14 Inch Diamond Saw Blade

The saw blade is actually multiple blades-- ten, 24-inch rotary blades cover the 20 foot cutting surface, which can through 8 to 10 inch trees.
The helicopter setup covers more area in one day than a ground crew might complete in a week, says Metropolitan Edison.
Even though the setup may seem dangerous to onlookers, the company says it is actually much safer compared to ground crews working in bucket trucks or tree climbers near the wires.
Ground crews are in the area to stop drivers near the work site, as well as remove fallen tree limbs from roadways, according to Met-Ed.
The helicopter is a white Hughes MD500 with blue and yellow stripes, registration number of N53846 displayed.in blue paint.
The work is scheduled through the end of May.

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