A Delray Beach woman was rescued from a drainage pipe Wednesday - but it's not the first time she has found herself in the same situation.
Lyndsey Kennedy suffered minor injuries after being pulled out of the pipe near the 500 block of Lindell Boulevard, NBC affiliate WPTV-TV reported. Large Diameter Steel Strip Pipe

She was taken to Delray Medical Center for further evaluation.
According to police, officers and firefighters responded to the area after receiving calls of someone swimming in a canal. Kennedy refused to come out and began crawling further down, according to police.
Firefighters contained her between two sections of pipe and later used a harness to get her out.
It's the third time Kennedy has had to be rescued after being found in a drain.
In March 2021, a naked Kennedy was rescued from a drain in Delray Beach after claiming she entered a drain three miles way while swimming in a canal. Two month later, she was rescued from a drain in Texas.

15crmo Hot Rolled Alloy Pipe At the time of the 2021 incident, Kennedy's mother said she had a history of "making bad decisions when she is high on drugs," according to the Delray Beach police report.